
This made me think it might be a good idea to list all our colour selections in case anyone is interested. I'll list the colours and then you can scroll down for our experience at the Studio M appointment.

Traditional facade
Bricks: Austral Harvest Malt (an upgrade to Category 3)
Mortar: Natural with rolled joints
Roof: Colorbond Woodland Grey
Gutter: Colorbond Paperbark
Fascia: Colorbond Paperbark
Windows: Colorbond Paperbark
Front door: Merbau stain
Bi-part door: Merbau stain
Garage sectional door: Colorbond Paperbark
Portico render: Dulux - Malay Grey
Walls: Dulux antique white USA
Ceiling, doors, architraves and skirts: Dulux Lexicon (quarter strength)
All cabinetry: Laminex Burnished Wood
Laundry benchtop: Laminate Ash White
Kitchen, Ensuite, Bathroom, Powder Room benchtop: Caesar Stone - Osprey
Kitchen Splashback: Mist Silver metallic (upgrade - Cat 2)
Floor tile: Vibe Mocha 400x400
Wall tile: Gloss Stone 300x600
Bath/Spa hob: Studio brown 300x600

Here's the low down on our appointment...
The Studio M appointment is the biggy, the one everyone says you have to be really prepared for. Metricon warns that this appointment will take at least three hours and asks you to bring along images of colour schemes, kitchens, bathrooms etc that you like.
We did our homework. We went around every Metricon display home in the district looking at colours, cupboards, benchtops etc. We had magazine pages and catalogue pages and we were really looking forward to the consultation, both excited and oddly nervous.
The Good - we love all our selections (listed above)
The Bad - hmmm, over all I have to say this was not one of the best experiences.
We were the first appointment of the day and our consultant was running late.
We felt like we were being pushed/rushed through the appointment. We walked out the door 2 hours and 15 minutes later. After all the talk about taking your time and being happy with your choices - we actually felt very uncomfortable during the session. Our consultant went on to tell us that she had spent 5 full contact hours with a client who had a house half the size of ours on the previous day. That didn't make us feel any better.
We asked to see our external colour selections all together on the computer - this is a major decision and one you want to get right. Our consultant tried to talk us out of this and when we insisted we were made to feel like we were really putting her out. She was then unable to quickly find the Studio M site (I had to tell her the web address!) and then said that it would take her too long to actually find our selections so she'd just put in something pretty close. Except it wasn't.
As we'd already signed our contracts, all selections were raised as a pre-construction variation. The paperwork was shocking. Make sure you double check yours. We were charged for items that were included in our promotion and there were multiple duplications.
So good to hear from you...I appreciate each and every note you leave for me!
Merbau Australia