Thursday, August 5, 2010

It's enough to make you cry

Day 71. As you can see from our time line over on the right hand side our bricks started going up on Tuesday. Today we talked to our SS and they will have to come right back down again. To top it all off our new camera has disappeared. It really is enough to make you cry!

I stoppped in at the house at lunchtime on Tuesday and the brickies had done about three panels. They'd done a great job - really neat and clean. I wasn't really that concerned by the dark patch, I thought it was a combination of wet bricks and shadow. Tuesday night Wade had a look and took the picture below. We chose Harvest Malt from Austral Bricks - they are supposed to have only very mild variations and don't need to be mixed. You can see from the image below that they're not mild variations!
Before our SS inspected the bricks it was suggested that we could have the darker bricks bleached to match. When we were down at the house tonight our SS said that the walls looked like a checker board (and they do) and would have to come down. If they don't come down now the only alternative is to render the whole house on completion and that's not what we want.
Our SS said that he'll keep pushing the inside along but it could be another month now before any more bricking is done.
On a more positive note the wonderful lady in accounts got back to me very quickly with an amended statement of account which included the credit and we were also able to talk to the cabinet maker and get the laundry benchtop and cabinets fixed up - just in the nick of time too as they were starting to build the cabinetry this week.

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