Sunday, August 1, 2010

Check and double check everything

Still no action on the brick front, apparently when our SS was off sick the brickies decided they no longer wished to work for Metricon, so now we have brickies from another area coming in to do ours. Our SS talked them through the job on Friday so fingers crossed we'll see some action this coming week.

Our insulation was installed on Friday so there was some progress. We decided to add some additional sound proofing insulation and luckily we were able to deal directly with the contractors.

Here's the link in to the title. I was flicking through our colour schedule today and I found an error. The colours for the laundry benchtop and cabinets had been reversed. so our benchtop will be brown and our cabinets white (yuck - not the look we were after!!). We'll call the cabinet maker directly to see whether the cabinets have been built or not. If they have, I'm not sure there is much we can do - it's their mistake but we did sign off on it. If it hasn't been built then we have a chance to get it fixed.

Must have been the day for finding errors. Every time I looked at our statement of account I felt a little niggle that something wasn't quite right, so I sat down and went through all our variations and compared them to what was listed. Turns out I was right. There is a $965 credit missing from the statement. Needless to say I've sent off a couple of emails today.

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